Since ancient times in Vietnam, we have had a traditional beauty of spring travel to gather buds, sightseeing, pagoda ceremonies, festivals ..., which is an indispensable culture in the early days of the new year. In order to promote that good tradition as well as with the desire to bring the architects and the small family of each member of the Hea family with joys, smiles, memorable experiences, a journey full of joy and happiness. laughter like giving strength, motivation for a new year is coming.

           Perhaps in the chaos of everyday life, facing bustling cities and skyscrapers, surely any of us have ever wished to once be immersed in nature to enjoy. Bringing back the freshness of the blue sky and the sky, capturing those desires, this year the beautiful land named Ha Giang is our spring destination with majestic, rustic beauties, on small pieces of land. In this arid land, we have found the raw, rustic nature of the mountainous landscape

           The small yellow flowers nursed on the shoulders of the children were like the rays of the early spring sunlight leading us deep into Ha Giang.

                                                                                          Hello country , hello Ha Giang




Tham Ma slope - a beautiful road at the top of the country


Cat King Mansion (Vuong family residence)


Pao's house - a peaceful place in the heart of the rocky plateau


Quan Ba Heaven Date


Nho Que river - timeless beauty on the rocky mountains of Ha Giang


Happy moments together


          Ha Giang has left each of us with unforgettable memories. Goodbye Ha Giang, see you in this romantic land in the near future, Hea will definitely come back with her extended family.